Boys Rules and Procedures

B.L. Gray Junior High Athletics


Grades:  Athletes must maintain a 70 or better in all classes in order to participate.  If the athlete fails any class, they will be ineligible for three weeks.  During this period, the athlete will only be allowed to practice with the team during the athletic period and be expected to attend tutoring.

Physicals: All athletes must have a physical to participate in any sport and be allowed to stay in the athletic class.  The athlete must complete (1) online UIL Forms, SISD athletic forms via skyward registration and (2) a Sports Physical Exam. The physical and medical history forms are to be returned only to our school athletic trainer, Alyssa Garza.  Sharyland ISD will only accept Sport Physicals completed in the United States using only the approved UIL forms. Athletes that do not have a physical by the end of the first week of school will have points deducted from their grade and will be subject to removal from the athletic class.

Athletic Grading Policy:

40% for dressing out

60% for participation (grading scale will be used on a weekly basis)

Semester exam will be based on their Fitnessgram performance which consists of: mile run, push-ups and sit-ups.  

Excuse Notes:  Any athlete that is not able to participate for the day must have a written excuse signed by a parent or physician.  A student must have a physician’s note if the illness or injury requires the athlete to sit out for more than 3 consecutive days.  If the physician's note does not provide a return to activity date, the trainer will not be able to release the athlete until the physician clears them to return to activity.  Points will be deducted daily until the physician clears the athlete or athlete will be sent to the library to do a daily written assignment.

Clothing:  Each athlete is required to dress out daily.  After athlete has turned in a complete physical, the athlete will be issued a uniform to be worn daily.  If the athlete loses or damages their uniform, a fee will be required in order to replace it.  All athletes must provide their own tennis shoes and sock. Failure to dress out will preclude athlete from competition.

Lockers:  lockers will be assigned to all athletes as soon as they have turned in a completed physical.  Coaches are not responsible for picking up items left out and unattended.  

Equipment:  All equipment and sport uniforms are the responsibility of the athlete.  Any lost uniform/equipment must be paid before extra equipment/uniform can be issued.

Dressing Room Behavior:

  1. Walk in the dressing room. No horse playing

  2. Keep all of your belongings in your locker

  3. Please do not track in mud into gym or locker room. Clean your cleats outside

  4. Do not stand on bleachers, lockers or jump off of them

  5. Do not be on your phone in dressing room

  6. Try to limit shower time. Be courteous of others waiting to shower.  No second period excuse notes will be given.


All sports require trying out with the exception of Football. For Cross-Country and Track the athlete will have to meet a timed trial before competing in meets.  You must attend tryouts on the assigned dates.  If unforeseen circumstances occur, you need to discuss with the Head Coach of that sport if other arrangements can be made. Your son or daughter will not be allowed to try out unless the Parent/Athlete Rules and Regulation form has been signed and returned.


Practice times for each sport will be set by the Coach. Each athlete is responsible to sign up on Remind 101 or Sports U with their coach.

Attendance: Attendance will be taken daily and will be recorded.  The following consequences are:

1 missed practice- not starting

2 missed practices- sitting out a half

3 or more -1 game suspension or removal from the team

Athletes involved in another UIL activity will not be penalized. Athlete must bring excuse note from teacher and show their Coach in order to be an excused practice.

Athletic bus: The district provides transportation for after school practice.  If athlete is not picked up by their scheduled time, they will be asked to board the bus. For girls cut off time is 5:30, boys time is to be announced.

Travel: Unless prior arrangements have been made, all athletes are required to travel with the team.  The student will only be released after games to the parent or legal guardian and will require the athlete be signed out with the designated coach.  If a student must be picked up by someone other than the parent or legal guardian, a signed document from the parent must have principal approval one day prior to the event.  If athlete misses the bus to the destination the parent cannot drive them over.

Game Expectations:  A Coach must be notified one day prior to competition if any athlete must miss a game.  Missing a game or practice may result in the consequences under Practice Consequences. Missing a game unexcused will result in the suspension of the following competition. Sending a text on the remind 101 the day of competition will not be accepted. During any game athlete must respect opposing team, opposing coaches and referees.

Game Schedules:  

Game schedules for Football, Volleyball, Basketball and Soccer can be found on the B.L. Gray Website under the Athletics tab.  Cross-Country, Track and Swimming will be added on as we receive information.

Non-Completion of a Sport:

Student commitment to a team is for the entire season.  Athletes are encouraged to participate in more than one extracurricular activity; however, athletes will not be allowed to quit one sport during active season in order to participate in another sport unless both coaches are in agreement.  Final decisions will be approved by the appropriate administrator/director.

School vs. Club:

An effort will be made to work with an athlete in club sports. All school practices and games will take priority over club practices and games.  Any game or practice missed as a result of club practice or game will follow policy in accordance to Practice Attendance and or Game Attendance consequences.

Disrespect to Teacher/Coach/ fellow teammate and Classroom Expectations:

Any act of disrespect by an athlete to his/her teacher, coach, or member of school administration will be handled on an individual basis.  Proper behavior is expected at all times.  Time spent in ISS or AEP can result from being dismissed from the team.  Praise and encourage your teammates. Have positive interaction and mutual respect for everyone.

I have read and been informed of the parent meeting information and understand all the policies that the athletic program consists of.  My child and I agree to abide by all the aforementioned rules and guidelines.

_______________________________________ Parent signature

_______________________________________ Athlete’s Name

_______________________________________ Athletes Grade

_______________________________________ Date

                   **This form must be signed before any athlete can participate in a sport**