Grading Policy:
Major Assignments (60% of Final Grade):
Unit Exams
Study Island
Research Papers
Minor Assignments (40% of Final Grade):
Daily Classwork
Study Island Quizzes
Pop Quizzes
Notebook Checks
Excused Absences:
Students with an Excused Absence will have the opportunity to make up missed work
at the rate of 1 day for 1 day missed, with a maximum of 5 days. Students who are
absent had prior notice of a major or minor assignment must complete the assignment
on the 1st day back to school. Student will receive a 0 for any major or minor
assignment not made up within the allotted time.
Unexcused Absences:
Students with an Unexcused Absence may not make up missed work. However, if the
unexcused absence is determined to be caused by extenuating circumstances,
makeup work may be allowed. The grade for the makeup work will be no higher than
a 70.
Failing Major Assignments:
All students will have up to 3 additional school days to redo a failing major assignment,
but the grade will be no higher than a 70.
Late Major Assignments:
All students will have 3 additional days to make up a major assignment if late (with a
progressive grade penalty of 10 points per day).
Semester Exams:
Semester exams will be comprehensive and count as 20% of the semester grade.
Should the semester exam cause a student to fail the semester, the student has the
option of retesting. The student must retest within 3 days, and the retest will be the sole
responsibility of the student. The retest grade will be no higher than a 70.