Remind 101

Dear Parent/Guardian, 
Welcome to a new school year!  I am looking forward to having your child in my class.  It is going to be a fantastic year.  Please be assured that I will always keep your child’s best interest in mind. 

I’m sure you would likely agree that communicating reminders or other important messages to your child can be very beneficial.  For this reason, I will be using Remind 101 to do so.  Remind will allow me to text any important message pertaining to my class to your child.  It is a very safe way for teachers to text message the student and it is a one way only communication.  Furthermore, it is not sent from the teacher’s personal cell phone rather the text message is sent to your child’s phone via this system.  The message may be a reminder about a homework assignment, quiz, test, project deadline, or any other important message.  With your child’s busy schedule, this will be very helpful. 

The nice thing is that parents can also be included.  If you would like the message to be sent to your cell phone as well, please follow the steps below:

  1. )Text code:@8hdz toPhone number: 81010
  2. )You will receive a text telling you to reply with your full name.
  3. )Reply with your full name


Your child followed the exact same steps above.  So if you have any questions, your child should be able to help you or you can call me during my conference period which is at 11:48AM-12:37PM. 

Thank you,


Mr. Hernandez
8th Grade U.S. History
B.L. Gray Junior High
[email protected]