Major Assignments (60% of Final Grade):
Research Papers
Minor Assignments (40% of Final Grade):
Daily Classwork
Notebook Checks
Journal Writing
5. Students with an EXCUSED ABSENCE from school (including off-campus suspension) will
have the opportunity to make up missed work at the rate of one day for one day missed,
with a maximum of five days. Student will receive a zero for any major or minor assignment
not made up within the allotted time.
6. Students with an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE may not make up missed work; however, if the
unexcused absence is determined to be caused by an extenuating circumstance, makeup
work may be allowed. The grade for the makeup work will be no higher than a 70.
7. All students will be given up to 3 additional school days to redo a FAILING MAJOR
ASSIGNMENT but the grade will be no higher than a 70. The teacher has the option of
assigning an alternative major assignment and may require additional tutoring, assignments,
etc., as appropriate. The teacher will indicate in the gradebook that the assignment was
redone. This provision does NOT apply to Honors, Dual Enrollment (taught by Sharyland ISD
teachers), or AP students.
8. All students will be given 3 additional days (2 days for Honors, AP, and DE taught by SISD
teachers) to make up LATE MAJOR ASSSIGNMENT and may be required additional tutoring,
assignments, etc., as appropriate (with a progressive grade penalty of 10 points per day, 15
points/day for Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment taught by Sharyland ISD teachers). Honors/AP/
Dual Enrollment (taught by Sharyland ISD teachers) students will not be allowed to submit
late minor work.