
Texas math curriculum has changed dramatically within the last few years and it is more challenging than ever before.  Our students are expected to apply high-level critical thinking to solve mathematical problems.  In addition to mathematical computations, students are expected to explain their mathematical thinking in verbal, graphical and written form.

Our math curriculum is called Texas GOMath! for grade 8.  Students will be assigned a workbook, which are to remain in homeroom classroom.  Students will get access to the workbook online.  Students will have homework Monday thru Thursday for a grade. Homework assignments will be a combination of online assignments and/or handouts. Quizzes will be given after every lesson in each module.  Major tests will be given after each module/unit. There is no set day for quizzes nor tests.  To study for tests, students will take their math journal to study from. 

Students will have access to online textbook using their school email and AR password.