
Dear Parent:
The math teachers are excited about this year and one of us will be the teacher of your child. We welcome this opportunity. The study of mathematics is challenging and rewarding. Your child's experience in mathematics will be a direct result of the attitude and effort with which he/she approaches the subject. Together, we can foster this positive attitude toward learning and help your child develop the study skill necessary for the future.

This year, in addition to the Saxon Math textbooks, we will be concentrating on mastering STAAR objectives as well as writing about mathematics and problem solving. Please be sure to check on your child's achievement in these important assessments.

We will continue with the following Saxon Math Program requirements:

  • A math concept or skill is presented each day. Students work only a few problems involving the new concept. the 30-problem practice set assigned each day includes these new problems and review problems of previous concepts or skill. So every practice set is a review.
  • It is essential that you child complete each day's assignment. (Please help us with this one.) You can expect your child to complete a lesson every day with a test once a week, generally on Fridays.
  • Please ask to see your child's daily assignments and encourage him/her to complete all of the work.

B.L Gray math students have an excellent record in math achievement. We are proud of their excellence. It has only been possible because of parental support and cooperation. We appreciate your support this year.

B. L. Gray Junior High School Math Department

8th Grade Teachers: Andres Benites (Dept. Head), Bertha Miller, Jerri Lynn Vaello, Lesly Pena, Emmanuel Torres, and Leticia Garcia.
7th Grade Teachers: Laura Salas (Dept. Head), Mark Bewley, Elizabeth Garcia, Magda Flores, and Nancy Balsadua.

JH Math Acceleration Criteria
7th Grade

Course 2 - (7th grade) This course is recommended prior to taking Course 3. The students will use skills associated with understanding numbers, basic problem solving with whole numbers, fractions and decimals, proportions, probability, area of two dimensional geometric figures. Students are introduced to percentages and algebraic equations.

Course 3 - (7th and 8th grade) This course is a pre-requisite for taking Algebra I. The students will use skills associated with understanding numbers, proportions, probability, percentages, equations, geometric figures and graphing. This course is considered to be grade level 8 or advanced placement for 7th grade students.

8th Grade
Course 3 - (7th and 8th grade) This course is a pre-requisite for taking Algebra I. The students will use skills associated with understanding numbers, proportions, probability, percentages, equations, geometric figures and graphing. This course is considered to be grade level 8 or advanced placement for 7th grade students.

Algebra 1 - This course is designed for the student who has successfully completed Course 3. The student shall use skills involving measurements, two and three geometric figures, area, surface area and volume, similarity and congruence, geometric construction with compass and straight edge, right triangle, proportionality, percentages, probability, linear functions, and operating a graphing calculator.

Special Education Support
Resource Math - This course emphasizes basic math skills and applications. Essential elements and course objectives are modified to meet individual needs.

Self-contained - This class is for the students who have multiple handicapping conditions. They study manipulative skills, vocational skills, basic language and math skills, keyboarding, and personal health skills. They also participate in regular P.E. classes as well as art.

Language Support
Recent Immigrants (ESL Students) 7th Grade - ESL students are recent immigrants who have not yet passed the LAS Test at Level 3. Students take two electives from required course and take the following subjects: ESL Reading, ESL Writing, ESL Speaking and Listening (7th & 8th grade mixed class), ESL Mathematics, ESL Social Studies, ESL Science.